What’s on my Mind? I’ll tell you.

It’s almost Thanksgiving Break. Something I’ve been looking forward to for a long while now. I know it’s been a couple months, so let me recap:


Completely amazing. I will forever be grateful that I went on this trip. We listened to the top names in the Advertising industry talk about how to be successful. One of those agencies, CP+B, talked about BYU specifically!  They said we were “super interns”. It made me so happy and so proud.

We also visited a lot of agencies. My personal favorites were McCann and Grey, which many of my fellow peers thought odd because those agencies are so big. True, they are rather big, but I really think you can learn a lot from large agencies and if you’re going to work anywhere in NYC, why not a large firm? They are clearly doing something right. I mean that is so many people to keep organized, too many creative ideas to keep on target, and so much talent to harness,  and yet they are still able to come together to make amazing add campagins.

On top of all that amazing advertising-ness, I was front and center at the Best Buy opening night concert featuring Natasha Beningfield, Far East Movement and B.O.B, and I also won the Wicked lottery. 🙂  Basically it was the best trip ever.


The recent Adlab campaign I have been working on is a little unorthodox, but it couldn’t be more fun. The jist: Three BYU students trying to harness the power of the Tolkien Fan and make it onto the set of “The Hobbit”. We are so close. We’ve done everything from staging a L.A.R.P. (Live Action Role Play) in front of Stephen Colbert’s studio in NYC, celebrated Hobbit Day by going barefoot and we just recently did a massive twitter blitz toward Ellen DeGenerous. The twitter blitz has yet to show results, but our other efforts resulted in amazing rewards. We were featured on the front of New Zealands main newspaper as well as multiple other papers. We have a priest in the Netherlands blogging about us, we have fans in 84 countries, we have the support of Middle Earth News and have posted a blog on the official movie blog….shall I go on? It’s been amazing.


School has been kicking my butt, but I’m surviving. I’m excited for the break. It will be great to go down to San Diego were I will be graced with warmer weather.  I should be done in April, but I’m coming back in the Fall to finish up my editing minor. hopefully that will come after my internship in NYC, I will find out in December if I made it. Cross your fingers.


So far my book is still in the editing process. A part of me doesn’t want to work on it until I go to NYC in the spring, so I can make sure some of my details are right about Staten Island.  So in the meantime I have been just looking through it, trying to figure out how to properly get it down to 400 or 300 pages from nearly 600. :S not exactly easy, but I’m trying. I also keep wondering if I want to publish this book before I have written the other two or three, just to make sure the facts are right.

Anyway, that’s it for me. I took the time to write because I had it, so who knows when I will write next. Hopefully soon